Monday, July 12, 2010


Last minute packing going on...

Check marks are going are down the list. Trying to bring as much and as little as I need and no more. There's a few errands to run this afternoon... stop by Verizon and figure out the phone situation, Radioshack for an outlet converter, and Borders for more books. Some picks for now - Dante's "The Divine Comedy", which I've always wanted to read, and Voltaires' "Candide".

Tomorrow I'm out 7:30 in the am to the phila airport. We board at 12:30 to JFK and from there, Istanbul. Arrive Wednesday am.

Something needs to be said before this begins. During the past week I have received overwhelming support and best wishes from all kinds of random friends, family, and people from the Jefferson community and I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone.

These are all important people in my life. I feel extremely fortunate to be doing this and it would not be possible without all of your support!

To begin with a brief preface... This has been over a year in the making. When I first found out such an exchange program existed it was too little too late back in November 2008. A year later, with more experience and credentials to speak for, I was in a much better position to apply.

There was an application process of 2 parts. First was, in effect, a screening process, essentially to gauge interest. Next was matching. A lot of waiting came in between. After months of emails and back and forth coordination, I was settled on Istanbul. Why Istanbul? I don't know why exactly. I think I am fascinated with the region, the culture, and the history. I have always wanted to see the Middle East.

After that's settled, I am in contact with the student officer and have been ever since March. We have gone over everything from length of stay, working hours, to the cost of a pint of milk.

But you can only convey so much with emails. There's a lot I really don't know. I imagine I will be staying in dorm-like conditions but can't say for sure, and I have no problem not knowing. I expect to take care of myself, find my way, and make friends quickly.

What I do know, is there will be 4 students from Egypt and 1 from Spain. I know I work 10am-7pm with weekends off. I will have my eyes and ears open to as much going on in the pharmacy as possible. I think it's going to be really interesting to see how things work.

And with that... as long as everything falls into place, the plane landing safely, I will return to this post from the city of Istanbul, Turkey!!

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